SPAM Framework Documentation

General ability component settings

These settings are common for all ability components, regardless of type.

See also: Directional ability component, Projectile ability component, Raycast ability component, Targeted ability component, Components, VFX Settings

Start at rank
The rank the ability should start at.

The Ability invoker that will cast the ability. This will try to automatically resolve itself from the hierarchy of the GameObject the ability component is added to. If no Ability invoker is set a button will appear to try to resolve this automatically from the hierarchy again.

Event Controls
Raise cooldown event
If the the cooldown event should be raised in AbilitySystemEvents. Use this if you have custom code listening for this event. Should most oftenly be turned of if an ability has a short cooldown.

Raise used event
If the used event should be raised in AbilitySystemEvents. Use this if you have custom code listening for this event. Should most oftenly be turned of if an ability has a short cooldown.
This event is also used for automatically showing an event-driven Telegraph

Warmup VFX spawn point
The transform where warmup VFX (if any) will spawn at.

Cast VFX spawn point
The transform where cast VFX (if any) will spawn at.

Impact VFX spawn point
If using a fixed position for impact VFX, set the transform that holds that position here.
