SPAM Framework Documentation

Ability Conditions Target

A component that enables a target to be affected by conditions. The target's immunities and active conditions will be shown at the bottom at runtime.

Max Conditions
The maximum number of conditions that can affect this target simultaneously. A fixed maximum prevents garbage from being generated at runtime which reduces stress on the garbage collector.
Set this as low as possible for your game to prevent memory from being needlessly allocated.

Time handling
Automatic: The component will decrease the lifetime of conditions in it's update loop.
Manual: The component won't decrease the lifetime of conditions. You have to manually call TickLifetimes(deltaTime) to decrease condition lifetimes.


Immunites are conditions that won't affect the target. Depending in your game these can either be static or dynamic.
Immunities can be changed at runtime by calling AddImmunity(condition) and RemoveImmunity(condition) from another script.

Max Num Immunities
Just as Max conditions you have to set max immunities to pre-allocate memory for a target's immunities. This avoids garbage generation at runtime.

Valid conditions

A list of which conditions that can affect the target. Use these when only a few select conditions can affect this target. You can set these as opposed to adding a lot of immunities

Note that having both valid conditions and immunities simultaneously is not supported. Valid conditions are immutable at runtime. If you add Valid conditions, immunities will be disregarded.
