SPAM Framework Documentation

Conditional effects

An ability can have effects that are only applied when the target has or lacks certain conditions. Conditional effects are created as a separate object and can be reused between different abilities.
You can open the conditional effects window by going to Tools->Spam Framework->Conditional effects or Tools->Spam Framework->All Windows* and selecting the Conditional Effects tab.

Conditional effects can be though of as "effect groups", where fire abilities could deal normal damage to targets, but also set them on fire if they're affected by a "flammable" condition, or have an ability heal the caster if the caster has the condition "vampire" and the target has the condition "living".

Since the underlying object is reusable, it can easily be attached to multiple abilities, making them behave similarly on targets that satisfies the given pre-conditions. You can be very creative and abilities can have a large range of effects given different circumstances with conditional effects.

General settings

The name of the conditional effect.


A list of pre-conditions that needs to be satisfied for the effects to be applied.

When you add and remove pre-conditions, a written form of the full criteria for the conditional effect will be displayed under it's name at the top, "If target has [reflect] apply [minor damage] to caster".


The effects that are applied if the pre-conditions are met. These can be applied to either the target or the caster. These are called Secondary Effects in code.
