SPAM Framework Documentation

Projectile Pool

A pool of projectiles. Will automatically spawn the given projectile on start, or use the already pre-spawned child projectiles.
This is used to prevent garbage from being generated at runtime, since each Projectile ability requires a pool of projectiles.

See also: Pooling

Projectile Ability
The ability that this pool handles.

Num in pool (obsolete, removed in 3.0.0)
The number pooled is controlled from the Pooling window

Keep alive (removed in 3.0.0)
Keep-alive behaviour is now controlled via Projectile ability component.

Check this if you have multiple abilities referencing this pool.
When an ability is destroyed ( when a caster with an ability that references the pool is destroyed) it will call Destroy on the pool, effectively breaking all other references to the pool. This could lead to null reference exceptions or other unintended behaviour if you still have references to the pool itself or any of its projectiles.

Please note that if you decide to keep a pool alive you'll have to handle it's lifetime manually.
